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Free Primal Taster

April 01, 2025 at 19:00 CET

Via Zoom



This is your chance to connect with us, feel the vibes of the work, and understand how it can help you break free from the past and live your best life.


Share this event with friends and family who can benefit from it. Let's break free from our past together.We are looking forward to sharing powerful teachings and love with you.

Connect with us if you are serious about transformation.

Get started with your initial discovery talk.

You can’t be an adult alive today who hasn’t experienced some kind of emotional pain from the time when you have been a child, even with the best parents and their best intentions.

Get started with a free discovery talk with Puja and discuss how you can join our next retreat.

Connect with us when you are serious about change...


Click the button below to arrange a call.

Register for an info evening

Please let us know in which info-evening you are interested and we will get in touch

Thanks for submitting!

Meet the Primal Team

Join Puja Lepp, Creator of the Primal Childhood Deconditioning and Primal Matrix Retreat and members of our dedicated team, for our next online information evening.


It is a wonderful opportunity to connect with us and get more information about the Primal - Childhood Deconditioning Retreat and its benefit, get a feel for the work or ask any questions you might have.


All are welcome, so feel free to invite curious friends and family to join in.

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